Syra Coffee, your date on Valentine's Day?
Syra Coffee, your date on Valentine's Day?

For Valentine's Day, we asked people to send us a message if they had been ghosted or if they were thinking of writing to their ex. We received thousands of messages. We didn't expect so many! Reading them was a whirlwind of emotions, an inspiring, fun and surprising process. We received many stories of love, heartbreak, ghostings and breakups, so we had to work hard as an emotional coach.

We reminded anyone who needed reminding that it is always a good time to pause and have a coffee alone. This can be an opportunity to reflect on ideas and feelings and focus the mind on personal growth. Small steps like this can lead to big changes and a hopeful future.

Many thanks to the people who were encouraged to tell us their stories! Here are our favorites:


This story involves an office and long-distance romance. We empathize a lot with this girl. Fortunately she can now devote herself to herself without worrying about people who have no affective responsibility. If you are going through something similar, give yourself the self-care you deserve and make time for you and your activities.  

This next story caught our attention because it had an evolution in real time. Although it seems to be a bad decision, we wish all the happiness to this lovebirds couple that will resume their romance very close to February 14th. What do you think? Do we consider it a happy ending?

This story is one of the saddest we receive, as it involves not only a breakup but a poor kitty who was caught in the turbulent waters of separation. We wish the people involved early resignation and good coffee as they embark on the waters of singleness.

This message is a classic modern. Who has not seen the memes about dreams with partners and ex-partners. Unfortunately on this occasion it didn't work, but we must not lose hope.

Finally, we close with these stories with a happy ending. We are glad to know that there are people out there closing cycles, moving forward and finding the energy to lead their lives where their heart and intuition guide them.


Thank you very much to everyone who wrote to us. We are very happy to have accompanied you on this Valentine's Day.


See you at Syra!