We continue with the summer recipes!
We share a perfect recipe to sweeten up any morning or afternoon this summer.
You will need:
- 1 banana
- 100 ml milk
- 30 ml simple syrup
- Double espresso (50ml mocha pot coffee)
- Ice cubes
- To decorate: cocoa and strung fruit
For the simple syrup: 100 g sugar, 100 ml water

Have you got everything? Preparing it is as simple as that:
- Prepare a simple syrup beforehand. Mix 100 grams of sugar and 100 ml of water in a saucepan without bringing it to the boil, just until the sugar dissolves.
- Blend a banana, 4 large ice cubes, 100 ml of milk or your favourite alternative drink, 30 ml of the simple syrup and 50 ml of moka pot coffee in a blender. Start blending on low speed and then increase the speed.
- Serve the banana frappe in a glass.
- Decorate with cocoa and red fruits
Enjoy your meal!