6 reasons why it is better to buy coffee beans
6 reasons why it is better to buy coffee beans

Find out why coffee specialists always recommend buying coffee beans and grinding them at home.


Some people prefer to buy coffee already ground because it is more convenient for them: either because it is quicker to prepare, easier to find or simply because they do not have a coffee grinder. But is there a difference between buying coffee beans and buying ground coffee?

As you will see in this article, to get a good cup, it is best to start with a good coffee bean. It doesn't matter how you drink your coffee or which coffee machine or method you use to prepare it. By grinding the beans just before brewing, you will notice a big difference.

Advantages of coffee beans

If you go to a coffee shop that offers speciality coffee, you will see that they always grind the coffee on the spot in grinders. on demand that only grind the dosage needed for that coffee. To get the same coffee at home, follow the experts' example: use coffee beans. Why?


1. It is fresher and tastier tasty

    Supermarket ground coffees are usually ground for a long time. They take even longer to roast. They are usually ground and packaged and it takes months before you consume them.

    If you buy your coffee beans at your favourite speciality coffee shop, you can ask them to grind your bag of coffee at the time of purchase. They will probably even do it in front of you. Another option is to buy your coffee in our online shop with just one click and we will grind it and ship it to you within 24 hours.

    Also, knowing the roasting date and when the coffee was ground will help you make a better cup. Wouldn't you eat a hard loaf of bread? Well, let's treat coffee with the same care as other foods.

    On the other hand, the reason why we grind coffee is to make it possible to extract the solid components that will end up in the beverage, that is, to be able to infuse it. And, just as it is necessary to grind it, it is necessary to roast it beforehand to facilitate grinding (green coffee cannot be ground).


    However, when the beans are ground, all the particles are exposed to the air and humidity, and the oxidation process begins, causing the coffee to lose its properties.


    In short, the less time that passes between the moment the coffee is ground and the moment it is consumed, the fresher the drink will be, and therefore the better it will taste and smell.


    2. You can control the grind according to the coffee machine you use. 

    Buying coffee beans allows you to choose the degree of grinding, which also affects the final texture of the drink: the coarser you grind the coffee, the lighter it will be (and vice versa, the finer you grind it, the more intense it will be).

    Grinding coffee on the spot allows you to adjust the grind to your needs. We often find that coffees that have already been ground do not extract or infuse correctly in the coffee maker we use and we blame it on the coffee itself, when we could fix it by changing the grind. For example: if you see that the Italian coffee maker starts to "spit out" the coffee very quickly and the aromas come out at the beginning, not even with their golden colour, it means that it has been ground too fine.

    In other words, the "body" of the coffee is a direct derivative of the type of roast (the higher the roast, the more body) and the extraction that you then do in your machine.




    3. You can use your beans for different coffee machines

    Taking your coffee beans home with you will allow you to use them in different coffee machines and test the full potential of that coffee. You can get a profile more suitable for blending with milk in an Italian coffee machine or espresso machine, or brew it in a filter method to fully appreciate the nuances and notes.


    4. It has a better aroma

    By grinding the coffee on the spot, you receive one of the most important inputs the most pleasurable input of speciality coffee: the aroma! This pleasure is largely lost with pre-ground coffees.

    And not just because of the aroma itself, but the smells are a prelude to what you will notice in the cup. In coffees from Ethiopia, you will usually have a floral aroma; in coffees from Colombia, chocolate and stone fruits; and in coffees from Brazil, nuts.


    5. It is more environmentally friendly

    In Spain, around 14 billion coffees are consumed every year. That's a lot of coffees. Capsules, available in various packaging and flavours, make consumption easier. But they also produce a lot of unnecessary waste.

    Not only that: it is known that aluminium packaging can have harmful effects on the reproductive and nervous systems. Moreover, the very concept makes this type of coffee particularly expensive, not because of its quality, but because of the extra packaging.


    Speciality Coffee_Speciality_Packs_SyraCoffee


    6. Create a ritual

    Drinking coffee is more than a habit. It is a moment of respite in your day. Grinding coffee requires attention, engages all the senses and makes you enjoy this universal beverage even before you drink it. 

    In the end, the love you put into making a cup of freshly ground coffee makes it so much more special than any other.

    You've convinced me. What is the best coffee bean?

    Of the more than one hundred varieties of coffee beans, Arabica is the most interesting for its taste, balance and aroma. Arabica coffee is the oldest known coffee and the most valued worldwide because of its sweet and fruity, even slightly chocolatey nuances, in harmony with a hint of acidity.

    The second most popular variety is called robusta. This species is more economical, as it is more resistant to insects, because it has more caffeine (which is so bitter that it could be considered a natural poison), so it withstands pests better. However, it is characterised by being a more woody and full-bodied bean.

    While arabica beans are considered superior in quality, robusta beans are usually limited to lower grades and are used for the production of instant coffee and commercial blends. This is why only arabica coffee is used in speciality coffees, such as those of Syra Coffee.

    > Lee más sobre el café de especialidad <

    Another key factor in choosing coffee beans is roasting: this is when the beans reach their maximum expression. But, in order to accentuate its natural characteristics, the roasting process must be specific to each coffee.


    Expert tip: Instead of looking at the expiry date of the coffee, look at the roasting date. Ideally, the beans should have been roasted 7-14 days before consumption, so that they are still fresh, but have had time to release their gases.

    And which grinder is the best for grinding coffee at home?

    It is best to use a grinder with grinding wheels, as it allows you to obtain regular particles and control the degree of grinding (it is not the same to grind coffee to prepare it with a French press). coffee to prepare it with a French press as for making espresso).

    You will find that there are also blade grinders on the market, which are cheaper. The main disadvantages of this type of coffee grinder are that they are less precise and less resistant. The push-button operation means that the pieces have very different sizes.

    Think that a bad grinder destroys the grains and has an uneven result. If for whatever reason you cannot buy a quality grinderIt is better to ask for it to be ground on the spot, rather than to buy a coffee that has been ground at an unknown time, which affects the profile and the taste of the coffee.

    On our website, you can order with one click that we grind your coffee beans according to the preparation method (espresso machine, Italian coffee machine, French coffee machine, V60, Chemex...) that you use at home. 


    Perfect. So how do I store coffee beans?

    Coffee beans keep longer and in better condition than ground coffee. But that doesn't mean it lasts forever: ideally, it should be consumed within 60 days of roasting.

    Once opened, store it in a place out of direct sunlight and, if possible, at a mild and constant temperature. Be careful: don't put it in the fridge, as it will get damp!

    The best option for storing coffee beans are the bags in which we pack them, which have a valve to let the coffee fumes escape.

    The coffee bags we use at Syra Coffee are completely made of plastic, without the aluminium layer, so that they can be recycled. With the ones with the aluminium layer, we have the same problem as with coffee capsules: it is impossible to separate the layers and they cannot be recycled.




    OK, I want to switch to coffee beans!

    We are convinced that by now you have decided to switch to speciality coffee beans because of their many benefits.

    If so, at Syra Coffee you can buy coffee beans online 100% Arabica, fresh and freshly roasted. Or come and meet us at your local shop.

    Our speciality coffee is the result of the combination of a special microclimate, artisanal standards of cultivation and processing, and respect between producer, roaster, barista and consumer at every stage of processing.

    Everything to bring you the unique flavours of our selected farms so you can enjoy the perfect coffee.